The technology age has made its way into our class-rooms as well . It's the time where students relate more to computers and laptops than to text books !
A student who is not familiar with the use of computers is almost handicapped in today's age. Our school has good number of computers with 24-hrs internet connectivity under its roof.
Three spacious computer laboratories furnish all requiste modern computer peripherals like printer, scanners, audio-visual equipments and CD-writers which aid the computer education. All branded computer are supported by licensed software programs such as MS-Office, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop along with programming language like C, C++, Python and etc.
Our (App), Computer networking system has also made it easy for us to communicate important messages to parents via the SMS server. This makes it easy for us to reach the large parent community alomst within no time in of any need. The ERP software (Quick-School) assits us in school management programmes.
Developing independence, confidence, to form good relationships with peers and adult and the ability to share and take turns.
Having a positive approach to learning and finding out about the world around them. Having confidence in themselves and their ability to do things, and valuing their own achievements. Being able to get on work and make friendships with other people, both children and adults.
Becoming aware of - and being able keep to - the rules which we will need to help us to look after ourselves, other people & our environment. Being able to dress & undress themselves and look after their personal hygeine needs. Being able to expect to have their ways of doing things respected and to respect other people's ways of doing things.
Increasing Strength, skill and control of both fine and gross motor skills. Learning the importance of their bodies and how to look after them.
☛ Our Playgroup has a high ratio of adult to children in the setting. This helps us to Give time and attention to each child.
☛ Talk with the children about their interests and activities.
☛ Help children to experience and benefit from the activities we provide. Allow the children to explore and be advanturous in safety.
☛ Learning about their environment and the world through practical experience and discussion.
☛ Finding out about the natural world - and the made world and how they work.
☛ Learning how to choose the right tool for a task.
☛ Learning about computers.
☛ Starting to put together ideas about the past & present and the links b/w them.
☛ Beginning to learn about their locality and its special features.
☛ Learning about their own and other cultures.
To express ideas and feelings through communication and the ablity to explore
using a variety of materials.
Plays helps young children to learn and develop through by doing & taking,
which research had shown to be the means by which young children think. We use
early learning goals and their stepping stones to plan and provides a range of play
activities which help children to make progress in each of the area of learning & development
. In some of these activities children decides how they gonna be use the activity, an adult
take part in all activities information from the early learning goals and stepping stones has
been used to decide what equipment to provide and how to provide it.